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Consulta Plantas

Gardening and plant care since 2001

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Care of the succulent plant Gasteria bicolor or Lawyer's Tongue.
Gasteria bicolor: Lawyer's Tongue
Care of the succulent plant Gasteria carinata or Bredasdorp gasteria.
Gasteria carinata: Bredasdorp gasteria
Care of the succulent plant Gasteria disticha or Ox Tongue.
Gasteria disticha: Ox Tongue
Care of the succulent plant Gasteria excelsa or Thicket ox-tongue.
Gasteria excelsa: Thicket ox-tongue
Care of the succulent plant Glottiphyllum longum or Tongue Leaf Plant.
Glottiphyllum longum: Tongue Leaf Plant
Care of the succulent plant Graptopetalum bellum or Tacitus bellus.
Graptopetalum bellum: Tacitus bellus
Care of the succulent plant Graptopetalum paraguayense or Ghost plant.
Graptopetalum paraguayense: Ghost plant
Care of the succulent plant Greenovia or Rose Succulent.
Greenovia: Rose Succulent
Care of the cactus Gymnocalycium baldianum or Dwarf chin cactus.
Gymnocalycium baldianum: Dwarf chin cactus
Care of the plant Gymnocalycium damsii o Gymnocalycium anisitsii.
Gymnocalycium damsii: Gymnocalycium anisitsii
Care of the cactus Gymnocalycium mostii or Most's Gymnocalycium.
Gymnocalycium mostii: Most's Gymnocalycium
Care of the cactus Gymnocalycium pflanzii o Echinocactus pflanzii.
Gymnocalycium pflanzii: Echinocactus pflanzii
 Care of the plant Gymnocalycium saglionis or Giant Chin Cactus.
Gymnocalycium saglionis: Giant Chin Cactus
Care of the cactus Gymnocalycium spegazzinii o Echinocactus loricatus.
Gymnocalycium spegazzinii: Echinocactus loricatus
Care of the cactus Hatiora gaertneri or Easter cactus.
Hatiora gaertneri: Easter cactus
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia angustifolia or Narrow-leaved Haworthia.
Haworthia angustifolia: Narrow-leaved Haworthia
Care of the plant Haworthia arachnoidea or Cobweb aloe.
Haworthia arachnoidea: Cobweb aloe
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia attenuata or Zebra plant.
Haworthia attenuata: Zebra plant
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia cooperi or Cooper's Haworthia.
Haworthia cooperi: Cooper's Haworthia
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia herbacea or Aloe herbacea.
Haworthia herbacea: Aloe herbacea
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia limifolia or Fairies Washboard.
Haworthia limifolia: Fairies Washboard
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia marumiana or Hawortia.
Haworthia marumiana: Hawortia
 Care of the succulent plant Haworthia pumila or Pearl Plant.
 Haworthia pumila: Pearl Plant
 Care of the succulent plant Haworthia reinwardtii or Zebra Wart.
 Haworthia reinwardtii: Zebra Wart
 Care of the succulent plant Haworthia retusa or Star Cactus.
 Haworthia retusa: Star Cactus
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia truncata or Horse teeth.
Haworthia truncata: Horse teeth
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia turgida or Aloe turgida.
Haworthia turgida: Aloe turgida
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia variegata or Variegated Haworthia.
Haworthia variegata: Variegated Haworthia
Care of the succulent plant Haworthia viscosa or Haworthiopsis viscosa.
Haworthia viscosa: Haworthiopsis viscosa
Care of the succulent plant Huernia pillansii or Cocklebur.
Huernia pillansii: Cocklebur
Care of the cactus Hylocereus undatus or Dragon fruit.
Hylocereus undatus: Dragon fruit
Care of the succulent plant Hylotelephium maximum or Grand Stonecrop.
Hylotelephium maximum: Grand Stonecrop
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe beharensis or Felt bush.
Kalanchoe beharensis: Felt bush
Care of the plant Kalanchoe blossfeldiana or Christmas kalanchoe.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana: Christmas kalanchoe
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe daigremontiana or Devil’s backbone.
Kalanchoe daigremontiana: Devil’s backbone
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe longiflora or Tugela cliff-kalanchoe.
Kalanchoe longiflora: Tugela cliff-kalanchoe
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe marmorata or Penwiper Plant.
Kalanchoe marmorata: Penwiper Plant
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe pumila or Flower dust plant.
Kalanchoe pumila: Flower dust plant
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe thyrsiflora or Paddle plant.
Kalanchoe thyrsiflora: Paddle plant
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe tomentosa or Panda plant.
Kalanchoe tomentosa: Panda plant
Care of the succulent plant Kalanchoe uniflora or Coral bells.
Kalanchoe uniflora: Coral bells
Care of the succulent plant Kleinia anteuphorbium or Swizzle Sticks.
Kleinia anteuphorbium: Swizzle Sticks
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus amoenus or Darling lampranthus.
Lampranthus amoenus: Darling lampranthus
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus aureus or Golden vygie.
Lampranthus aureus: Golden vygie
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus blandus or Pink vygie.
Lampranthus blandus: Pink vygie
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus falcatus or Mesembryanthemum falcatus.
Lampranthus falcatus: Mesembryanthemum falcatus
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus multiradiatus or Red vygie.
Lampranthus multiradiatus: Red vygie
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus spectabilis or Trailing Ice Plant.
Lampranthus spectabilis: Trailing Ice Plant
Care of the succulent plant Lampranthus zeyheri or Trailing iceplant.
Lampranthus zeyheri: Trailing iceplant
Care of the succulent plant Lapidaria margaretae or Karoo rose.
Lapidaria margaretae: Karoo rose
Care of the cactus Leuchtenbergia principis or Agave cactus.
Leuchtenbergia principis: Agave cactus
Care of the succulent plant Lewisia cotyledon or Siskiyou lewisia.
Lewisia cotyledon: Siskiyou lewisia
Care of the succulent plant Lithops or Pebble plants.
Lithops: Pebble plants
Care of the cactus Lophophora williamsii or Peyote.
Lophophora williamsii: Peyote
Care of the cactus Maihueniopsis glomerata or Copana cactus.
Maihueniopsis glomerata: Copana cactus
Care of the cactus Maihueniopsis subterranea or Puna subterranea.
Maihueniopsis subterranea: Puna subterranea
 Care of the succulent plant Malephora crocea or Red ice plant.
Malephora crocea: Red ice plant 
Care of the cactus Mammillaria backebergiana or Mammillaria fertilis. 
 Mammillaria backebergiana: Mammillaria fertilis
Care of the cactus Mammillaria bombycina or Silken Pincushion. 
 Mammillaria bombycina: Silken Pincushion
Care of the plant Mammillaria brandegeei or Cactus brandegei.
Mammillaria brandegeei: Cactus brandegei
 Care of the cactus Mammillaria candida or Snowball.
 Mammillaria candida: Snowball
 Care of the cactus Mammillaria carmenae or Carmen pincushion.
 Mammillaria carmenae: Carmen pincushion
Care of the plant Mammillaria carnea or Pin-cushion cactus.
Mammillaria carnea: Pin-cushion cactus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria compressa or Cactus compressus.
 Mammillaria compressa: Cactus compressus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria crinita or Pincushion Cactus.
Mammillaria crinita: Pincushion Cactus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria dioica or Strawberry Cactus.
Mammillaria dioica: Strawberry Cactus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria discolor or Cactus discolor.
Mammillaria discolor: Cactus discolor
Care of the cactus Mammillaria elongata or Golden Stars.
Mammillaria elongata: Golden Stars
Care of the cactus Mammillaria flavicentra or Mammillaria dixanthocentron.
Mammillaria flavicentra: Mammillaria dixanthocentron
Care of the cactus Mammillaria geminispina or Twin Spined Cactus.
Mammillaria geminispina: Twin Spined Cactus
 Care of the cactus Mammillaria haageana or Mexican Pincushion Cactus.
 Mammillaria haageana: Mexican Pincushion Cactus
 Care of the cactus Mammillaria hahniana or Old Lady Pincushion.
 Mammillaria hahniana: Old Lady Pincushion
 Care of the cactus Mammillaria karwinskiana or Cactus karwinskianus.
 Mammillaria karwinskiana: Cactus karwinskianus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria laui or Escobariopsis laui.
Mammillaria laui: Escobariopsis laui
Care of the cactus Mammillaria lenta or Chilita lenta.
Mammillaria lenta: Chilita lenta
Care of the plant Mammillaria longiflora or Krainzia longiflora.
Mammillaria longiflora: Krainzia longiflora
Care of the plant Mammillaria longimamma or Long Nipple Cactus.
Mammillaria longimamma: Long Nipple Cactus
Care of the plant Mammillaria magnifica or Biznaga de Chalcatzingo.
Mammillaria magnifica: Biznaga de Chalcatzingo
Care of the cactus Mammillaria magnimamma or Mexican Pincushion.
Mammillaria magnimamma: Mexican Pincushion
Care of the cactus Mammillaria marksiana or Neomammillaria marksiana.
Mammillaria marksiana: Neomammillaria marksiana
Care of the cactus Mammillaria matudae or Mammillaria compacticaulis.
Mammillaria matudae: Mammillaria compacticaulis
Care of the cactus Mammillaria microhelia or Krainzia microhelia.
Mammillaria microhelia: Krainzia microhelia
Care of the cactus Mammillaria painteri or Neomammillaria painteri.
Mammillaria painteri: Neomammillaria painteri
Care of the cactus Mammillaria parkinsonii or Owl-eye cactus.
Mammillaria parkinsonii: Owl-eye cactus
Care of the plant Mammillaria petterssonii or Apozol cactus.
Mammillaria petterssonii: Apozol cactus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria pringlei or Lemon ball cactus.
Mammillaria pringlei: Lemon ball cactus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria rhodantha or Rainbow pincushion.
Mammillaria rhodantha: Rainbow pincushion
Care of the cactus Mammillaria schumannii or Bartschella schumannii.
Mammillaria schumannii: Bartschella schumannii
Care of the cactus Mammillaria spinosissima or Spiny pincushion cactus.
Mammillaria spinosissima: Spiny pincushion cactus
Care of the cactus Mammillaria uncinata or Mammillaria depressa.
Mammillaria uncinata: Mammillaria depressa
Care of the cactus Mammillaria vetula or Thimble Cactus.
Mammillaria vetula: Thimble Cactus
Care of the plant Manfreda maculosa or Texas tuberose.
Manfreda maculosa: Texas tuberose
Care of the cactus Matucana haynei or Borzicactus haynei.
Matucana haynei: Borzicactus haynei
Care of the cactus Matucana intertexta or Borzicactus intertextus.
Matucana intertexta: Borzicactus intertextus
Care of the cactus Matucana madisoniorum or Borzicactus madisoniorum.
Matucana madisoniorum: Borzicactus madisoniorum
Care of the plant Matucana polzii or Matucana aurantiaca subs polzii.
Matucana polzii: Matucana aurantiaca subs polzii
Care of the cactus Matucana weberbaueri or Echinocactus weberbaueri.
Matucana weberbaueri: Echinocactus weberbaueri
Care of the cactus Melocactus azureus or Melocactus krainzianus.
Melocactus azureus: Melocactus krainzianus
Care of the cactus Melocactus bahiensis or Cactus bahiensis.
Melocactus bahiensis: Cactus bahiensis
 Care of the cactus Melocactus conoideus or Cone-Like Turk's Head Cactus.
 Melocactus conoideus: Cone-Like Turk's Head Cactus
 Cuidados del cactus Melocactus curvispinus o Melón de monte.
Melocactus curvispinus: Melocactus guatemalensis 
 Care of the cactus Melocactus deinacanthus or Turk's cap cactus.
 Melocactus deinacanthus: Turk's cap cactus
Care of the plant Melocactus intortus or Turk's Cap Cactus.
Melocactus intortus: Turk's Cap Cactus
Care of the cactus Melocactus oreas or Melon Cactus.
Melocactus oreas: Melon Cactus
Care of the cactus Melocactus peruvianus or Turk's cap cactus.
Melocactus peruvianus: Turk's cap cactus
Care of the cactus Melocactus schatzlii or Melocactus pescaderensis.
Melocactus schatzlii: Melocactus pescaderensis
Care of the cactus Mesembryanthemum or Ice plant.
Mesembryanthemum: Ice plant
Care of the cactus Myrtillocactus geometrizans or Blue Myrtle cactus.
Myrtillocactus geometrizans: Blue Myrtle cactus
Care of the plant Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides or Carnegiea euphorbioides.
Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides: Carnegiea euphorbioides
Care of the cactus Neobuxbaumia polylopha or Golden Saguaro.
Neobuxbaumia polylopha: Golden Saguaro
Care of the cactus Obregonia denegrii or Artichoke cactus.
Obregonia denegrii: Artichoke cactus
Care of the cactus Opuntia bergeriana or Red-Flower Prickly Pear.
Opuntia bergeriana: Red-Flower Prickly Pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia chlorotica or Pancake prickly pear.
Opuntia chlorotica: Pancake prickly pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia engelmannii or Cactus Apple.
Opuntia engelmannii: Cactus Apple
Care of the plant Opuntia ficus-indica or Prickly pear.
Opuntia ficus-indica: Prickly pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia leucotricha or Semaphore cactus.
Opuntia leucotricha: Semaphore cactus
Care of the cacti Opuntia lindheimeri or Texas prickly pear.
Opuntia lindheimeri: Texas prickly pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia linguiformis or Cow's Tongue Prickly Pear Cactus.
Opuntia linguiformis: Cow's Tongue Prickly Pear Cactus
Care of the cactus Opuntia macrocentra or Purple prickly pear.
Opuntia macrocentra: Purple prickly pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia microdasys or Angel's-wings.
Opuntia microdasys: Angel's-wings
Care of the plant Opuntia phaeacantha or Desert prickly pear.
Opuntia phaeacantha: Desert prickly pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia polyacantha or Plains pricklypear.
Opuntia polyacantha: Plains pricklypear
Care of the cactus Opuntia robusta or Wheel cactus.
Opuntia robusta: Wheel cactus
Care of the cactus Opuntia rufida or Blind Prickly Pear.
Opuntia rufida: Blind Prickly Pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia santa-rita or Santa Rita Prickly Pear.
Opuntia santa-rita: Santa Rita Prickly Pear
Care of the cactus Opuntia spinulifera or Saucepan cactus.
Opuntia spinulifera: Saucepan cactus
Care of the cactus Opuntia subulata or Eve's Needle Cactus.
Opuntia subulata: Eve's Needle Cactus
Care of the cactus Opuntia valida or San Antonio prickly pear.
Opuntia valida: San Antonio prickly pear
Care of the cactus Oreocereus celsianus or Old Man of the Andes.
Oreocereus celsianus: Old Man of the Andes
Care of the cactus Oroya peruviana or Echinocactus peruvianus.
Oroya peruviana: Echinocactus peruvianus
Care of the succulent plant Oscularia deltoides or Pink Ice Plant.
Oscularia deltoides: Pink Ice Plant
Care of the cactus Pachycereus marginatus or Mexican Fence Post Cactus.
Pachycereus marginatus: Mexican Fence Post Cactus
Care of the plant Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum or Indian Comb.
Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum: Indian Comb
Care of the cactus Pachycereus pringlei or Mexican giant cactus.
Pachycereus pringlei: Mexican giant cactus
Care of the plant Pachycereus schottii or Senita cactus.
Pachycereus schottii: Senita cactus
Care of the succulent plant Pachyphytum bracteosum or Silverbracts.
Pachyphytum bracteosum: Silverbracts
Care of the succulent plant Pachyphytum oviferum or Moonstones.
Pachyphytum oviferum: Moonstones
Care of the succulent plant Pachypodium lamerei or Madagascar palm.
Pachypodium lamerei: Madagascar palm
Care of the cactus Parodia haselbergii or Scarlet Ball Cactus.
Parodia haselbergii: Scarlet Ball Cactus
Care of the cactus Parodia leninghausii or Yellow Tower cactus.
Parodia leninghausii: Yellow Tower cactus
Care of the cactus Parodia magnifica or Balloon cactus.
Parodia magnifica: Balloon cactus
Care of the plant Parodia mammulosa or Tom Thumb.
Parodia mammulosa: Tom Thumb
Care of the cactus Parodia ottonis or Indian Head Cactus.
Parodia ottonis: Indian Head Cactus
Care of the cactus Parodia penicillata or Notocactus penicillatus.
Parodia penicillata: Notocactus penicillatus
Care of the plant Parodia werneri or Notocactus uebelmannianus.
Parodia werneri: Notocactus uebelmannianus
Care of the cactus Pediocactus simpsonii or Mountain Ball Cactus.
Pediocactus simpsonii: Mountain Ball Cactus
Care of the cactus Pelecyphora aselliformis or Hatchet Cactus.
Pelecyphora aselliformis: Hatchet Cactus
Care of the cactus Pilosocereus leucocephalus or Old Man Cactus.
Pilosocereus leucocephalus: Old Man Cactus
Care of the succulent plant Pleiospilos nelii or Split Rock Plant.
Pleiospilos nelii: Split Rock Plant
Care of the plant Portulaca grandiflora or Moss Rose.
Portulaca grandiflora: Moss Rose
Care of the plant Portulaca oleracea or Common purslane.
Portulaca oleracea: Common purslane
Care of the plant Portulaca umbraticola or Wingpod purslane.
Portulaca umbraticola: Wingpod purslane
Care of the succulent plant Portulacaria afra or Elephant bush.
Portulacaria afra: Elephant bush
Care of the plant Rebutia arenacea or Sulcorebutia arenacea.
Rebutia arenacea: Sulcorebutia arenacea
Care of the cactus Rebutia canigueralii or Sulcorebutia rauschii.
Rebutia canigueralii: Sulcorebutia rauschii
Care of the cactus Rebutia cv Sunrise or Rebutia.
Rebutia cv Sunrise: Rebutia
Care of the cactus Rebutia deminuta or Crimson Crown cactus.
Rebutia deminuta: Crimson Crown cactus
Care of the cactus Rebutia heliosa or Aylostera heliosa.
Rebutia heliosa: Aylostera heliosa
Care of the cactus Rebutia krainziana or Rebutia marsoneri.
Rebutia krainziana: Rebutia marsoneri
Care of the cactus Rebutia minuscula or Orange Snowball.
Rebutia minuscula: Orange Snowball
Care of the cactus Rebutia muscula or White-haired Crown.
Rebutia muscula: White-haired Crown
Cuidados del cactus Rebutia perplexa o Aylostera perplexa.
Rebutia perplexa: Aylostera perplexa
Care of the succulent plant Ruschia lineolata or Carpet of Stars.
Ruschia lineolata: Carpet of Stars
Care of the succulent plant Ruschia macowanii or Beach Tentfig.
Ruschia macowanii: Beach Tentfig
Care of the succulent plant Ruschia uncinata or Doringvygie.
Ruschia uncinata: Doringvygie
Care of the cactus Schlumbergera truncata or False Christmas cactus.
Schlumbergera truncata: False Christmas cactus
Care of the cactus Sclerocactus glaucus or Colorado hookless cactus.
Sclerocactus glaucus: Colorado hookless cactus
Care of the cactus Sclerocactus mesa-verdae or Mesa Verde Cactus.
Sclerocactus mesa-verdae: Mesa Verde Cactus
Care of the plant Sclerocactus wetlandicus or Uinta Basin Hookless Cactus.
Sclerocactus wetlandicus: Uinta Basin Hookless Cactus
Care of the succulent plant Sedum album or White stonecrop.
Sedum album: White stonecrop
Care of the succulent plant Sedum confusum or Lesser Mexican Stonecrop.
Sedum confusum: Lesser Mexican Stonecrop
Care of the succulent plant Sedum dendroideum or Tree stonecrop.
Sedum dendroideum: Tree stonecrop
Care of the succulent plant Sedum morganianum or Donkey tail.
Sedum morganianum: Donkey tail
Care of the succulent plant Sedum pachyphyllum or Jelly Bean Plant.
Sedum pachyphyllum: Jelly Bean Plant
Care of the succulent plant Sedum palmeri or Palmer's Sedum.
Sedum palmeri: Palmer's Sedum
Care of the succulent plant Sedum rubrotinctum or Jelly bean plant.
Sedum rubrotinctum: Jelly bean plant
Care of the succulent plant Sedum sieboldii or October stonecrop.
Sedum sieboldii: October stonecrop
Care of the succulent plant Sedum spectabile or Showy stonecrop.
Sedum spectabile: Showy stonecrop
Care of the succulent plant Sedum spurium or Caucasian stonecrop.
Sedum spurium: Caucasian stonecrop
Care of the cactus Selenicereus validus or Moonlight Cactus.
Selenicereus validus: Moonlight Cactus
Care of the succulent plant Sempervivum arachnoideum or Cobweb house-leek.
Sempervivum arachnoideum: Cobweb house-leek
Care of the plant Sempervivum calcareum or Houseleek.
Sempervivum calcareum: Houseleek
Care of the plant Sempervivum tectorum or Common houseleek.
Sempervivum tectorum: Common houseleek
Care of the succulent plant Senecio barbertonicus or Barberton groundsel.
Senecio barbertonicus: Barberton groundsel
Care of the succulent plant Senecio kleinia or Kleinia neriifolia.
Senecio kleinia: Kleinia neriifolia
Care of the succulent plant Senecio mandraliscae or Blue Chalksticks.
Senecio mandraliscae: Blue Chalksticks
Care of the succulent plant Senecio serpens or Blue chalksticks.
Senecio serpens: Blue chalksticks
Care of the succulent plant Senecio stapeliiformis or Pickle plant.
Senecio stapeliiformis: Pickle plant
Care of the succulent plant Stapelia variegata or Star flower.
Stapelia variegata: Star flower
Care of the cactus Stenocereus dumortieri or Candelabra cactus.
Stenocereus dumortieri: Candelabra cactus
Care of the plant Stenocereus eruca or Creeping devil cactus.
Stenocereus eruca: Creeping devil cactus
Care of the cactus Stenocereus griseus or Mexican organ pipe.
Stenocereus griseus: Mexican organ pipe
Care of the cactus Stenocereus pruinosus or Gray Ghost Organ Pipe.
Stenocereus pruinosus: Gray Ghost Organ Pipe
Care of the cactus Stetsonia coryne or Toothpick cactus.
Stetsonia coryne: Toothpick cactus
Care of the succulent plant Stoeberia arborea or Tree mesemb.
Stoeberia arborea: Tree mesemb
Care of the cactus Strombocactus disciformis or Cactus turbinatus.
Strombocactus disciformis: Cactus turbinatus
Care of the cactus Tephrocactus alexanderi or Opuntia alexanderi.
Tephrocactus alexanderi: Opuntia alexanderi
Care of the cactus Tephrocactus articulatus or Paper Spine Cactus.
Tephrocactus articulatus: Paper Spine Cactus
Care of the cactus Tephrocactus weberi or Opuntia weberi.
Tephrocactus weberi: Opuntia weberi
Care of the cactus Thelocactus bicolor or Glory of Texas.
Thelocactus bicolor: Glory of Texas
Care of the plant Thelocactus conothelos or Echinocactus conothelos.
Thelocactus conothelos: Echinocactus conothelos
Care of the cactus Thelocactus hexaedrophorus or Echinocactus hexaedrophorus.
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus: Echinocactus hexaedrophorus
Care of the plant Thelocactus lophothele or Echinocactus lophothele.
Thelocactus lophothele: Echinocactus lophothele
Care of the cacti Thelocactus macdowellii or Echinocactus macdowellii.
Thelocactus macdowellii: Echinocactus macdowellii
Care of the plant Thelocactus nidulans or Bird's-nest Cactus.
Thelocactus nidulans: Bird's-nest Cactus
Care of the plant Trichodiadema densum or Miniature Desert Rose.
Trichodiadema densum: Miniature Desert Rose
Care of the cactus Tunilla corrugata or Opuntia longispina.
Tunilla corrugata: Opuntia longispina
Care of the cactus Turbinicarpus alonsoi or Pediocactus alonsoi.
Turbinicarpus alonsoi: Pediocactus alonsoi
Care of the cactus Turbinicarpus roseiflorus or Strombocactus roseiflorus.
Turbinicarpus roseiflorus: Strombocactus roseiflorus
Care of the succulent plant Tylecodon bucholzianus or Cotyledon buchholziana.
Tylecodon bucholzianus: Cotyledon buchholziana