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Care of the plant Echeveria shaviana or Mexican Hens.

Care of the succulent plant Echeveria shaviana or Mexican Hens

The genus Echeveria, family Crassulaceae, includes about 400 species of succulent plants native to the area between Mexico and northern Brazil. Some species are: Echeveria shaviana, Echeveria setosa, Echeveria pulvinata, Echeveria glauca, Echeveria gibbiflora, Echeveria elegans, Echeveria agavoidesEcheveria runyonii, Echeveria pilosa, Echeveria lilacina, Echeveria affinis, Echeveria derenbergii.

Common names: Mexican Hens, Stone Rose, Mexican Chicken, Pink Frills, Mexican Hens and Chicks, Mexican Hens Echeveria.

They are slow-growing succulents that form elegant rosettes and reach 10 cm (3.93") in height. The wavy bluish-grey leaves are up to 7 cm (2.75") long and can take on a reddish hue at the margins if they receive a lot of light. They produce a long flower stem with small but attractive orange or pink flowers. They bloom in spring.

Due to its small size Mexican Hens is often used in pots for patios, balconies and terraces, as indoor and greenhouse plants.

Echeveria shaviana prefers a semi-shade exposure receiving direct sun in the early hours of the morning; avoid direct sun in the central hours of the day. It does not resist temperatures below 6 ºC (42.8 ºF).

The soil can be a commercial substrate for cacti and succulents; it is important that drainage is excellent. The transplant is done in the fall.

Water moderately waiting for the substrate to be completely dry. In winter water very little.

Fertilize once in early spring with mineral fertilizer for cacti.

Mexican Hens and Chicks does not need pruning.

Echeveria shaviana is a plant sensitive to excess humidity and to the attack of mealybugs and mites if the ventilation is not correct.

Stone Rose is propagated by leaf cuttings and by sucker separation.

Images of the succulent plant Echeveria shaviana or Mexican Hens

Echeveria shaviana
Echeveria shaviana