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Care of the plant Echeveria glauca or Blue Echeveria.

Care of the succulent plant Echeveria glauca or Blue Echeveria

The genus Echeveria, family Crassulaceae, includes 400 species of succulent plants native to Central America, Mexico and northwestern South America. Some species are: Echeveria glauca, Echeveria gibbiflora, Echeveria elegans, Echeveria agavoidesEcheveria runyonii, Echeveria setosa, Echeveria shaviana, Echeveria pilosa, Echeveria pulvinataEcheveria lilacina, Echeveria affinis, Echeveria derenbergii.

Common names: Glaucous echeveria, Blue Hens and Chicks, Old Hens and Chicks, Blue Echeveria. This species is native to Mexico.

They are stemless succulent plants that reach 15 cm (5.9") in height. They form rosettes 10 cm (3.93") in diameter with numerous spatula-shaped leaves, bluish-green in color and tipped. The deep red flowers appear on erect stems 30 cm (11.8") high.

They are easy to grow plants that are used in rockery and in pots as indoor plants, greenhouse plants or in patios and terraces.

Echeveria glauca needs a sunny exposure outdoors and very bright but without direct sun indoors. The temperature should not be less than 6 ºC (42.8 ºF); it's an ideal plant for Mediterranean coastal gardens.

The soil can be a mixture of 2/3 of garden substrate and 1/3 of coarse siliceous sand. It's important that the drainage is excellent.

Water abundantly during the flowering season (wait until the substrate is almost dry); reduce watering in autumn and water sparingly in winter.

Overwatering (especially in winter) rots the roots of the plant.

Blue Echeveria propagates by seeds sown in sandy substrate in autumn or spring; it's easier to do it by stem or leaf cuttings.

Images of the succulent plant Echeveria glauca or Blue Echeveria

Echeveria glauca
Echeveria glauca
Echeveria glauca