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Care of the plant Echeveria gibbiflora or Metallic echeveria.

Care of the plant Echeveria gibbiflora or Metallic echeveria

The genus Echeveria, family Crassulaceae, includes 400 species of succulent plants native to Central America, Mexico and northwestern South America. Some species are: Echeveria gibbiflora, Echeveria elegans, Echeveria agavoides, Echeveria glaucaEcheveria runyonii, Echeveria setosa, Echeveria shaviana, Echeveria pilosa, Echeveria pulvinata, Echeveria affinis, Echeveria derenbergii, Echeveria lilacina.

Common name: Metallic echeveria. This species is native to Mexico and Guatemala.

They are succulent plants that reach 50 cm (19.68") in height. The characteristic oval-spatulate leaves are reddish or bluish in color and reach 25 cm (9.84") in length. They bloom from late summer to early winter; they produce panicles of red flowers with a yellow interior.

Metallic echeveria is used in pots, in borders with other succulent plants and in rockery. In some regions of Mexico it is used as a medicinal plant.

Echeveria gibbiflora needs full sun exposure. It does not resist frost.

The soil can be a normal substrate with 10% coarse sand and 20% leaf mulch. Transplant in spring if necessary.

Water moderately in spring and summer waiting for the substrate to dry. In autumn reduce watering and almost eliminate it in winter.

Fertilize with a little compost in early spring.

Prune withered flowers.

Echeveria gibbiflora is resistant to pests but are sensitive to overwatering.

Metallic echeveria propagates easily by stem or leaf cuttings, by seeds or from adventitious shoots that the plant itself produces.

Images of the plant Echeveria gibbiflora or Metallic echeveria

Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora
Echeveria gibbiflora