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Care of the bulbous plant Pasithea coerulea or Blue pasithea.

Care of the bulbous plant Pasithea coerulea or Blue pasithea

The genus Pasithea, family Asphodelaceae, includes a single species of bulbous plant native to Chile and Peru: Pasithea coerulea.

Common name: Blue pasithea.

They are herbaceous bulbous plants that reach 60 cm (1.96 feet) in height when they flower. The leaves are thin and narrow and dark green in color. The showy blue flowers appear in long flower clusters above the leaves. They bloom in early summer.

These easy-to-grow plants are used in borders, rockeries, borders and on sunny slopes, even facing north.

Pasithea coerulea grows in full sun and semi-shade exposures. It resists occasional frosts down to -5 ºC (23 ºF).

Although they can grow in poor, rocky soil, they prefer well-drained soil that contains organic matter.

Water moderately, waiting for the substrate to dry completely.

Fertilize with compost at the end of winter.

Prune withered flower stems.

Pasithea coerulea is a plant resistant to the usual pests and diseases.

Blue pasithea is propagated from seeds sown in spring.

Images of the bulbous plant Pasithea coerulea or Blue pasithea

Pasithea coerulea