Care of the succulent plant Faucaria or Tiger Jaws |
The genus Faucaria, family Aizoaceae, comprises 30 species of succulent plants native to southern Africa. Some species are: Faucaria lupina, Faucaria tigrina, Faucaria tuberculosa, Faucaria felina. Common names: Shark's Jaws, Cat Chap, Tiger Jaws, Cat Jaws, Wolf-mouth Mesemb. This species is native to South Africa. They are small succulent plants with characteristic fleshy leaves that form rosettes, have light-colored spots and a sharp edge (they look like jaws with teeth). They produce pretty yellow flowers that bloom in the fall or early winter; the flowers last a few days and open at noon. They bloom after 2 years of life. Tiger Jaws is used as indoor plant (if the winter is very cold) or as outdoor plant (in Mediterranean or subtropical climates). Faucaria needs full sun or light shade exposure and temperatures above 5 ºC (41 ºF). The resting time is from mid-autumn to mid-spring (the temperature should not be higher than 15 ºC/59 ºF). The soil can be a mixture of cactus substrate with 1/4 of coarse sand. Shark's Jaws does not usually need a transplant. Water very moderately until the plant comes to rest (the leaves wrinkle a little); it's time to suspend irrigation. Fertilize in summer with mineral fertilizer for cacti every 15 days. The worst enemy of these plants is the excess of irrigation that causes fungal diseases. Wolf-mouth Mesemb propagates by division, by leaf cuttings or from seeds; the seeds should rest for several months before sowing. |
Images of the succulent plant Faucaria or Tiger Jaws |