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Care of the plant Delosperma tradescantioides or Kei-delosperma.

Care of the succulent plant Delosperma tradescantioides or Kei-delosperma

The genus Delosperma, family Aizoaceae, includes 100 species of succulent plants native to South and East Africa. Some species are: Delosperma tradescantoides, Delosperma rileyi, Delosperma pruinosum, Delosperma lineare, Delosperma karooicum, Delosperma cooperi, Delosperma herbeum, Delosperma lehmannii.

Common names: Kei-delosperma, Ice plant. This species is native to the Eastern Cape, South Africa.

They are small succulent plants (similar to Aptenia) with a creeping or hanging habit that reach 10 cm (3.93") in height and 50 cm (19.68") in width. The light green leaves are fleshy and flat on the upper side. The flowers are white and 1.5 cm (0.59") in diameter. They can bloom almost all year round.

Ice plant is used in hanging pots, in planters, to cover low walls and slopes or in rockeries.

Delosperma tradescantoides prefers a semi-shade exposure avoiding direct sun during the middle hours of the day. It does not resist frost or temperatures below 6 ºC (42.8 ºF).

The soil can be a commercial substrate for cacti and succulents. The transplant is done in early spring.

Water moderately in summer waiting for the substrate to be dry. In winter, reduce watering a lot. It resists drought well.

Kei-delosperma appreciates a fertilization with mineral fertilizer for cactus plants and succulents every 2 months during the spring and summer.

Delosperma tradescantioides does not need pruning.

Ice plant is a plant resistant to pests and diseases; it can be attacked by fungi if there is excess watering.

Kei-delosperma propagates easily by cuttings in spring or summer and by seeds sown in spring.

Images of the succulent plant Delosperma tradescantioides or Kei-delosperma

Delosperma tradescantoides
Delosperma tradescantoides