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Care of the plant Cerastium tomentosum or Snow in Summer.

Care of the plant Cerastium tomentosum or Snow in Summer

The genus Cerastium, family Caryophyllaceae, includes 200 species of herbaceous plants, annual or perennial, native to Europe. Some species are: Cerastium tomentosum, Cerastium glomeratum, Cerastium brachypetalum, Cerastium azoricum, Cerastium biebersteinii.

Common names: Snow in Summer, Wooly mouse-ear chickweed, Dusty miller, Jerusalem star, Snow plant. This species is native to southern Italy.

They are evergreen plants with a creeping bearing, interesting for their foliage and flowering that reach 20 cm (7.87") in height. The small lanceolate leaves are silvery gray in color and have a woolly texture. They produce abundant white flowers with a yellow center. They can bloom from late winter to early summer.

Snow in Summer is used in rockeries, to cover slopes, in pots and planters; in very dry regions it can be grown as a substitute for grass. It's an ideal plant for Mediterranean coastal gardens.

Cerastium tomentosum is an easy-growing plant that needs full sun exposure; they resist frost.

Dusty miller can grow in poor, calcareous and dry soil. The planting is done in spring or autumn at the rate of 4 specimens per square meter.

Jerusalem star is very resistant to drought, but it appreciates a weekly watering during the summer.

Snow plant does not require fertilizers.

Prune (in any season of the year) to control invasive growth and to maintain a compact appearance.

Wooly mouse-ear chickweed is a resistant plant to the habitual plagues and diseases; it's sensitive to overwatering.

Cerastium tomentosum propagates easily by seeds sown in spring or by cuttings planted in their final location in early fall or spring.

Images of the plant Cerastium tomentosum or Snow in Summer

Cerastium tomentosum
Cerastium tomentosum
Cerastium tomentosum
Cerastium tomentosum