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Care of the plant Tecoma stans or Yellow bells.

Care of the tree Tecoma stans or Yellow bells

The genus Tecoma, family Bignoniaceae, comprises 14 species of shrubs and small trees native to America and South Africa. Some species are: Tecoma stans, Tecoma capensis, Tecoma rosifolia, Tecoma sambucifolia, Tecoma castanifolia.

Common names: Yellow trumpetbush, Yellow bells, Yellow elder, Ginger-thomas. This species is native to the Americas.

They are small trees or large shrubs that reach 10 meters (32.8 feet) in height. The evergreen leaves are divided into oval-lanceolate leaflets with a serrated edge. The showy yellow flowers appear in clusters, are scented and are trumpet-shaped. They bloom in summer and early fall. They produce fruits in the form of hanging pods.

This fast-growing plant is used in bushy groups, as isolated specimens, in hedges, in windbreaks, to repopulate poor areas of the garden and in pots for patios and terraces. Yellow bells areis ideal for Mediterranean coastal gardens. Watch its spread because it tends to be invasive.

Tecoma stans need in full sun exposure and warm-temperate temperatures. It resists occasional frosts. In winter it usually goes to rest.

Yellow trumpetbush grows in any well-drained soil but appreciates that it contains organic matter.

Yellow bells is a quite resistant to drought plant; water regularly all year long waiting for the soil to dry out.

Fertilize with manure or humus in early spring.

Prune the groups of pods (fruits) to favor the appearance of more clusters of flowers.

Tecoma stans is a quite resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

Yellow trumpetbush is propagated from semi-mature cuttings during the summer or by seeds sown in the spring (they take about 10 days to germinate).

Images of the tree Tecoma stans or Yellow bells

Tecoma stans
Tecoma stans
Tecoma stans
Tecoma stans
Tecoma stans