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Care of the plant Rohdea japonica or Japanese sacred lily.

Care of the rhizomatous plant Rohdea japonica or Japanese sacred lily

The genus Rohdea, family Asparagaceae, includes 3 species of rhizomatous plants native to China and Japan. The species are: Rohdea japonica, Rohdea eucomoides, Rohdea tonkinensis.

Common names: Nippon lily, Sacred lily, Japanese sacred lily. This species is native to Japan, Korea and China.

They are perennial rhizomatous plants that reach 50 cm (1.64 feet) in height. They have dark green lanceolate leaves with creamy-white margins. The flowers are not decorative. They produce red or orange fruits that can be decorative.

Japanese sacred lily is used in pots for patios and terraces and to form groups in the garden, in undergrowths or borders.

Rohdea japonica needs a semi-shaded or shaded exposure avoiding direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day. It has good resistance to frost.

Sacred lily can grow in any garden soil or in drier or wetter soils. Transplant in spring when the roots appear at the base of the pot.

Water regularly, waiting for the substrate to dry; they resist several days of drought.

Japanese sacred lily does not need pruning.

Fertilize with compost in the fall every 2 years and with a slow-release mineral fertilizer in early spring.

Rohdea japonica is a plant quite resistant to pests and diseases; sometimes it can be attacked by some insects that eat the leaves.

Nippon lily propagates by division at the time of transplantation.

Images of the rhizomatous plant Rohdea japonica or Japanese sacred lily

Rohdea japonica
Rohdea japonica
Rohdea japonica
Rohdea japonica