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Care of the plant Iberis sempervirens or Candytuft .

Care of the plant Iberis sempervirens or Candytuft

The Iberis genus belongs to the Brassicaceae family and includes about 30 species of herbaceous plants and subshrubs native to Europe. Some species are: Iberis sempervirens, Iberis gibraltarica, Iberis amara, Iberis umbellata, Iberis pectinata.

Common names: Candytuft, Evergreen candytuft, Perennial candytuft, Edging candytuft. This species is native to Europe.

They are perennial plants with a creeping habit that reach 30 cm (11.8") in height. The leaves are elongated, green in color and with a rounded tip. The scented flowers appear in clusters of white color; There are lilac and pink varieties. They bloom from winter to mid-spring.

Candytuft is used in borders, in rockeries, to cover slopes and in pots for balconies and terraces. It's ideal for coastal gardens and for cities.

Iberis sempervirens needs full sun exposure and a warm-temperate climate. It resists non-persistent frosts.

Water moderately all year long, waiting for the substrate to dry; Perennial candytuft resists drought well.

Evergreen candytuft grows in any type of soil that has good drainage.

Fertilize every 15 days with mineral fertilizer from spring to the end of summer.

Prune intensively after flowering to strengthen the plant and promote the next flowering.

Iberis sempervirens is a resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

Perennial candytuft is propagated by cuttings in spring or late summer and from seeds sown in spring in the nursery.

Images of the plant Iberis sempervirens or Candytuft

Iberis sempervirens
Iberis sempervirens
Iberis sempervirens
Iberis sempervirens
Iberis semperflorens