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Care of the plant Justicia adhatoda or Malabar nut.

Care of the plant Justicia adhatoda or Malabar nut

The genus Justicia, family Acanthaceae, includes 400 species of herbaceous plants, shrubs, and climbing plants native to tropical America, Africa, and India. Some species are: Justicia adhatoda, Justicia carnea (Jacobinia carnea), Justicia suberecta (Jacobinia suberecta), Justicia aurea, Justicia floribunda (Jacobinia pauciflora), Jacobinia tinctoria, Justicia brandegeeana (Beloperone guttata), Jacobinia spicigera.

Common names: Malabar nut, Adulsa. This species is native to Asia.

They are elegant, erect, evergreen shrubs that can reach 4 meters (13.12 feet) in height. The large leaves (up to 20 cm/7.87" in length) are lanceolate in shape and are of a lustrous deep green color. They produce terminal spikes of scented white flowers with purple lines. They can bloom in spring, late summer, and fall.

These fast-growing plants are used on borders, in bushy groups, as isolated specimens and in large pots. Malabar nut has medicinal properties as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and to treat respiratory ailments, skin, etc.

Adhatoda Justice needs a semi-shadow or shadow exposure; direct sun can burn leaves. It does not resist cold below 5 ºC (41 ºF).

The soil can be a garden substrate with coarse sand that contains abundant organic matter.

Water frequently (never overwater) so that the substrate does not dry out completely; reduce watering in winter.

Prune intensively after flowering to strengthen the plant.

Fertilize with manure or compost at the time of pruning.

Justicia adhatoda is a plant quite resistant to pests; it can suffer root rot if overwatered.

Malabar nut propagates from seeds sown in late winter or by cuttings in late summer or spring.

Images of the plant Justicia adhatoda or Malabar nut

Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda
Justicia adhatoda