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Care of the plant Hippocrepis balearica or Rocky violet.

Care of the shrub Hippocrepis balearica or Rocky violet

The genus Hippocrepis, family Fabaceae, comprises 12 species of flowering plants native to the Mediterranean region. Some species are: Hippocrepis balearica, Hippocrepis comosa, Hippocrepis emerus, Hippocrepis ciliata.

Common name: Rocky violet. This species is native to Balearic islands, Spain.

They are small round bushes that reach 1 meter (3.28 feet) in height. The dark green leaves are odd-pinnate and are composed of oblong or spatulate leaflets. The abundant yellow flowers have a pleasant aroma. They bloom in spring.

These fast-growing plants are used as mulches, in rockeries, on low walls or on borders.

Hippocrepis balearica prefers a semi-shadow exposure receiving sun in the early hours of the morning. It resists occasional frosts but with the cold it loses the aerial part that will sprout again in spring.

Rocky violet grows in any soil (even limestone) that has good drainage.

Water regularly in spring, summer and fall waiting for the substrate to dry. In winter do not water.

Fertilize in the fall with compost.

Prune intensely if they have lost the aerial part in the cold.

Hippocrepis balearica can be attacked by fungi if the humidity is excessive and by aphids in summer if the drought is very long.

Rocky violet propagates from seeds sown in spring.

Images of the shurb Hippocrepis balearica or Rocky violet

Hippocrepis balearica ssp grosii
Hippocrepis balearica ssp grosii
Hippocrepis balearica ssp grosii
Hippocrepis balearica ssp grosii