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Care of the plant Erythea armata or Mexican blue palm.

Care of the palm tree Erythea armata or Mexican blue palm

The genus Erythea, family Arecaceae, includes 11 species of palm trees native to the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America. Some species are: Erythea armata, Erythea aculeata, Erythea edulis, Erythea dulcis. This genus is currently classified as Brahea.

Common names: Mexican blue palm, Blue hesper palm. This species is native to Baja California, Mexico.

They are large palm trees that reach 12 meters (39.37 feet) in height. The leaves resemble those of the Chamaerops humilis, fan-shaped, bluish in color and cut into linear segments. The ringed trunk has, in its upper part, a 1.5 meter (4.92 feet) wide plume with large leaves. The petiole has curved, white spines. The flowers appear in hanging white inflorescences of more than 50 cm (1.64 feet) in length.

Brahea armata needs a very sunny exposure. It resists frost down to -10 ºC (14 ºF). It is an ideal plant for Mediterranean coastal gardens.

Mexican blue palm needs a soil rich in organic matter and light.

Water frequently, waiting for the substrate surface to dry; adult specimens resist drought very well.

Erythea armata is a resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

Blue hesper palm propagates from seeds sown in spring in a sandy substrate.

Images of the palm tree Erythea armata or Mexican blue palm

Erythea armata
Erythea armata
Erythea armata
Erythea armata
Erythea armata
Erythea armata