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Care of the plant Agave univittata or McKelvey's century plant.

Care of the succulent plant Agave univittata or McKelvey's century plant

The Agave genus, a subfamily of the Agavoideae, comprises some 300 species of succulent plants native to Mexico, Central America and the Southwest of the USA. Some species are: Agave univittata, Agave vivipiaraAgave palmeri, Agave impressaAgave striataAgave lechuguilla, Agave stricta, Agave sisalana, Agave shawii, Agave potatorum, Agave parryi, Agave parrasana, Agave macroacantha, Agave filifera, Agave bracteosa, Agave attenuata, Agave americana, Agave victoria-reginae, Agave angustifolia, Agave vilmorinianaAgave datylioAgave guadalajaranaAgave ferdinandi-regisAgave deserti, Agave chiapensis.

Common names: McKelvey's century plant, Thorn-crested century plant, Thorn-crested agave. This species is native to central and northern Mexico and New Mexico (USA).

They are small succulent plants with an elegant bearing that reach 40 cm (1.31 feet) in height and 60 cm (1.96 feet) in diameter. The attractive stiff, fleshy leaves with wavy, spiny margins are dark green with a deep green central line. The long floral stem reaches 5 meters (16.4 feet) in height and presents greenish-white flowers; they bloom after many years and then the mother plant dies but produces lateral suckers.

McKelvey's century plant is used in pots for patios and terraces, in rockery, on slopes, in cactus and succulent gardens and as isolated specimens.

Agave univittata prefers a semi-shade exposure but also grows in full sun. They resist light and occasional frosts.

The soil can be a mixture of 1/3 normal garden soil, 1/3 coarse sand, and 1/3 leaf mulch or a commercial substrate for cacti and succulents. The pot transplant is done in spring.

Water moderately in spring and summer, waiting until the substrate has completely dried. In autumn reduce watering and water very little in winter (once a month at most).

Fertilize every 3 weeks in spring and summer with mineral fertilizer for succulents.

Thorn-crested agave does not need pruning.

Agave univittata is a plant resistant to the usual pests and diseases.

Thorn-crested century plant is propagated by separation of suckers in spring; Let them dry for 2 days before planting.

Images of the succulent plant Agave univittata or McKelvey's century plant

Agave univittata
Agave univittata