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Care of the plant Cheiranthus cheiri or Wallflower.

Care of the plant Cheiranthus cheiri or Wallflower

The genus Cheiranthus, family Brassicaceae, includes 10 species and various hydrids of perennial plants and subshrubs originating, mostly, from the Mediterranean basin. Some species and hybrids are: Cheiranthus cheiri, Cheiranthus maritimus, Cheiranthus semperflorens, Cheiranthus x kewensis, Cheiranthus x allonii.

Common name: Wallflower. This species is native to Europe.

They are perennial plants that reach 50 cm (1.64 feet) in height. They have small narrow leaves arranged in a spiral or alternately on the semi-woody stem. The flowers appear in terminal clusters and can be orange, yellow, red, white or purple. They bloom in spring.

Wallflower is used in pots for balconies and terraces, for rockeries, next to walls and to form flowerbeds; it combines well with Lobelias, Tagetes and Salvia splendens.

Cheiranthus cheiri needs full sun exposure and high temperatures.

Wallflower can be grown in any type of soil that is not very calcareous or retains too much water. Transplantation or planting is done in spring or fall.

Always water moderately (every 6 days) increasing watering a little during the flowering season or if it is very hot.

Fertilize with manure at the time of planting and with mineral fertilizer in spring.

Prune faded flowers to cause new ones to appear.

Cheiranthus cheiri can be attacked by insects, botrytis or downy mildew.

Wallflower propagates by seeds sown in spring or by cuttings in summer.

Images of the plant Cheiranthus cheiri or Wallflower

Cheiranthus cheiri
Cheiranthus cheiri
Cheiranthus cheiri
Cheiranthus cheiri
Cheiranthus cheiri