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Care of the plant Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis or Brazilian Prickley Pear.

Care of the cacti Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis or Brazilian Prickley Pear

The genus Brasiliopuntia, family Cactaceae, comprises a single species of shrubby cactus native to Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay: Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis.

Common names: Brazilian opuntia, Brazilian Prickley Pear. This species is native to Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia.

They are branched cacti that develop a straight and cylindrical stem without segments; they reach 4 meters (13.12 feet) in height. The segments are flat, thin, and bright light green. The areolas are white and have few spines (1 to 3). The abundant yellow flowers are very showy. They bloom in summer.

Brazilian opuntia is used in pots for terraces, in groups in the garden, in rockeries, in cactus gardens and as indoor plants.

Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis prefers a semi-shade exposure avoiding direct sun in the hottest hours of the day; they can also grow in full sun. The winter safety temperature is 7 ºC (44.6 ºF).

As soil, a mixture of 65% leaf mulch and 35% coarse sand is recommended. The transplant is done in early spring.

Water frequently in summer waiting until the soil has almost dried up. The rest of the year space the waterings until they are scarce in winter (1 time a month at most).

Fertilize in late winter with compost and once a month with mineral fertilizer for cacti in spring and summer.

Prune only to remove dry segments.

Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis is quite resistant to pests and diseases but can be attacked by mealybugs in case of prolonged drought or by fungi if watering is excessive.

Brazilian Prickley Pear easily propagates from segments rooted in a peat and sand-based substrate.

Images of the cacti Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis or Brazilian Prickley Pear

Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis
Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis
Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis