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Care of the plant Aptenia cordifolia or Baby sun rose.

Care of the succulent plant Aptenia cordifolia or Baby sun rose

The genus Aptenia, family Aizoaceae, comprises 4 species of succulent plants native to southern Africa. Some species are: Aptenia cordifolia, Aptenia lancifolia, Aptenia haeckeliana, Aptenia geniculiflora.

Common names: Baby sun rose, Heartleaf iceplant, Heart-leaved aptenia, Red aptenia. This species is native to South Africa.

They are small succulent plants with a covering that have fleshy leaves in the shape of a heart and full of papillae (see with a magnifying glass). The flowers are small but showy for their purple color that contrasts with the bright green of the foliage. They bloom in summer; the flowers close when they do not receive sun.

They are used in rockeries, on sunny walls and in hanging pots. It is possible to consume them as a vegetable, it has a flavor similar to spinach.

They need full sun exposure; It can live in half shade but will not produce as many flowers. They do not resist frost but they do suffer from severe heat stroke and even drought. They also tolerate pollution from cities and proximity to the sea.

They prefer sandy, well-drained soil.

Water very moderately, waiting until the soil is completely dry; They are very drought resistant plants.

It does not need pruning or fertilization.

They are not usually attacked by pests and diseases.

They propagate from cuttings or seeds.

Images of the succulent plant Aptenia cordifolia or Baby sun rose

Aptenia cordifolia
Aptenia cordifolia
Aptenia cordifolia
Aptenia cordifolia