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Care of the plant Dahlia pinnata or Garden dahlia.

Care of the tuberous plant Dahlia pinnata or Garden dahlia

The genus Dahlia, family Asteraceae, includes 30 species of tuberous plants native to Mexico and Central America. Some species are: Dahlia pinnata, Dahlia imperialisDahlia coccinea, Dahlia sambucifolia, Dahlia spectabilis, Dahlia excelsa.

Common names: Garden dahlia, Dahlia, Pinnate dahlia. This species is native to Mexico.

They are tuberous herbaceous plants that reach 1.5 meters (4.92 feet) in height. The leaves are glossy dark green. The showy and attractive flowers can be simple or compound; there are flowers of all colors. They bloom in summer and early fall.

Dahlia pinnata needs full sun exposure and protected from the wind. Sometimes it has to be staked so that the stems do not break.

The soil must be well fertilized and drained so that water does not accumulate in the roots.

Water abundantly in summer. Garden dahlia does not resist drought.

Prune the flower buds that come out below the main flower so that it grows more.

Fertilize in winter with compost.

Dahlia can be attacked by aphids especially if it suffers from drought.

Pinnate dahlia propagates by division of the tuber, provided it has buds. The tubers should be buried to a depth of 6 cm (2.36").

Images of the tuberous plant Dahlia pinnata or Garden dahlia

Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata
Dahlia pinnata