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Care of the plant Mackaya bella or Forest bell-bush.

Care of the shrub Mackaya bella or Forest bell-bush

The genus Mackaya, family Acanthaceae, comprises 6 species of shrubs native to Africa and Asia. The species are: Mackaya bella, Mackaya atroviridis, Mackaya indica, Mackaya macrocarpa, Mackaya neesiana, Mackaya populifolia.

Common names: Forest bell-bush, River bells, Beautiful mackaya. This species is native to South Africa.

They are shrubs with an erect bearing, thin branches and a rounded crown that reach 4 meters (13.12 feet) in height. They have lustrous evergreen leaves, simple, opposite, dark green with a wavy margin. The showy bell-shaped flowers are white-mauve with purple lines and appear in clusters. They bloom from spring to fall and occasionally in winter.

Forest bell-bush is used in informal hedges, undergrowths, as isolated specimens, and in large containers. It's ideal for subtropical and Mediterranean climates.

Mackaya bella grows in a shaded (it will produce fewer flowers) or semi-shade exposure; if it gets too much sun the leaves will turn yellow. Although it resists the occasional frost, it can lose its leaves; in that case you will need a drastic pruning to strengthen the plant.

The soil must be well drained and contain a lot of organic matter (compost, manure). Transplanting or planting is done in late winter or early spring.

Water regularly in spring and summer so that the substrate is always moist; reduce watering in fall and winter.

Fertilize with plenty of manure in late winter.

Prune after flowering to remove faded flowers and maintain a compact appearance.

River bells is a quite resistant plant to pests and diseases.

Mackaya bella propagates from seeds sown in spring or from semi-woody cuttings in spring or fall.

Images of the shrub Mackaya bella or Forest bell-bush

Mackaya bella
Mackaya bella