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Care of the plant Dizygotheca elegantissima or False aralia.

Care of the indoor plant Dizygotheca elegantissima or False aralia

Dizygotheca elegantissima is now classified as Plerandra elegantissima. The genus Plerandra, family Araliaceae, includes 50 species of trees and shrubs native to New Caledonia, Fiji, and Vanuatu. Some species are: Plerandra elegantissima, Plerandra nono, Plerandra actinostigma, Plerandra veitchii.

Common names: False aralia, Spider aralia, Threadleaf aralia. Scientific synonym: Schefflera elegantissima. This species is native to New Caledonia.

They are evergreen shrubs of elegant bearing that reach 1.5 meters (4.92 feet) in height indoors and 7 meters (22.96 feet) in height in their natural environment (they adopt an arboreal appearance). The alternate leaves have long petioles and are divided into long narrow leaflets (up to 8 cm/3.14" in length) with a toothed margin; the leaves are coppery when they sprout and then turn dark green. They do not usually bloom.

False aralia is used as indoor plants, greenhouse plants and on patios and terraces. In regions with a tropical or subtropical climate it's used as isolated specimens and in small shrub groups.

Dizygotheca elegantissima needs a semi-shade exposure avoiding direct sun in the hottest hours of the day. It does not resist temperatures below 10 ºC (50 ºF). Avoid drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

The soil must be well drained; use a mixture of heather soil, peat and coarse sand. Transplant every 2 years in spring, renewing the substrate.

Water with lime-free water moderately, waiting for the substrate to dry. In winter, water very little. Periodically spray the leaves with lime-free water, especially in summer; They need a medium-high humidity.

Fertilize every 3 weeks with mineral fertilizer from mid-spring to mid-summer.

Spider aralia is a quite resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases. The leaves turn yellow if the humidity is low. The accumulation of water in the roots can cause them to rot.

Threadleaf aralia is propagated by cuttings and from seeds but they are complicated processes.

Images of the indoor plant Dizygotheca elegantissima or False aralia

Dizygotheca elegantissima
Dizygotheca elegantissima
Dizygotheca elegantissima
Dizygotheca elegantissima