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Care of the plant Lantana camara or Common lantana.

Care of the shrub Lantana camara or Common lantana

The genus Lantana, family Verbenaceae, includes 150 species of perennial plants and shrubs native to South America. Some species are: Lantana camara, Lantana montevidensis, Lantana involuta, Lantana pastazensis, Lantana exarata.

Common names: Common lantana, West Indian lantana, Wild-sage, Red-sage, White-sage, Tickberry, Big-sage.

They are deciduous shrubs that reach 2 meters (6.56 feet) in height. The leaves are dark green, rough, ovate-sharp and opposite arrangement. The flowers are small and are gathered in dense flower heads. They can be yellow, orange, red, pink, or white. They bloom from late spring to early fall. The fruits are shiny black.

Common lantana is used to form bushy groups, on terraces, on borders and in pots and planters. It's ideal for gardens with a Mediterranean and subtropical climate.

Lantana camara grows in full sun and semi-shade exposures. It does not resist frost.

Wild-sage grows in any type of soil but prefer it to contain organic matter. If it's grown in a pot, change the substrate every 2-3 years and lightly prune the roots.

Fertilize in late winter with compost or manure.

Prune the tips of the stems 2-3 times a year to maintain a compact appearance.

Lantana camara is a resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

Common lantana is propagated from seeds sown at a temperature of 16-18 ºC (61-64 ºF) and by means of woody cuttings in late summer or after flowering.

Images of the shrub Lantana camara or Common lantana

Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara
Lantana camara