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Care of the plant Euphorbia regis-jubae or King Juba's Euphorbia.

Care of the plant Euphorbia regis-jubae or King Juba's Euphorbia

The genus Euphorbia, family Euphorbiaceae, includes 2,000 species of succulents, trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants of cosmopolitan distribution.

Common name: King Juba's Euphorbia. This species is native to the Canary Islands and Morocco.

They are evergreen shrubs with a rounded shape and succulent stems that reach 2 meters (6.56 feet) in height. The leaves are light green, linear-lanceolate in shape and appear in terminal rosettes. The flowers are greenish-yellow in color and appear in pedunculated umbels. They can bloom from early winter to mid-spring.

King Juba's Euphorbia is used as isolated specimens, to form bushy groups, in rockery, in cactus and succulent gardens, and in pots for patios, terraces and well-ventilated interiors.

Euphorbia regis-jubae can grow in full sun exposure but prefers semi-shade. It resists light and occasional frosts.

The soil can be a mixture of 25% coarse sand, 50% garden substrate, and 25% compost. The transplant is done every 2 years in the fall.

Water moderately, waiting for the substrate to dry. Water a little more during the flowering season.

Fertilize with cactus fertilizer every 20 days in spring and once a month in summer.

King Juba's Euphorbia does not need pruning.

Euphorbia regis-jubae is a resistant plant to the usual pests and diseases.

King Juba's Euphorbia propagates easily from seeds in spring or by cuttings in fall. Be careful with irritating latex when preparing cuttings.

Images of the plant Euphorbia regis-jubae or King Juba's Euphorbia

Euphorbia regis-jubae
Euphorbia regis-jubae
Euphorbia regis-jubae
Euphorbia regis-jubae
Euphorbia regis-jubae
Euphorbia regis-jubae