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Cuidados de la planta Buxus microphylla o Boj japónico.

Care of the shrub Buxus microphylla or Japanese box

The genus Buxus, family Buxaceae, includes about 70 species of shrubs and trees native to Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Some species are: Buxus microphylla, Buxus sempervirens, Buxus balearica, Buxus sinensis, Buxus japonica, Buxus obtusifolia, Buxus citrifolia.

Common names: Japanese box, Small-Leaved Boxwood, Littleleaf box. This species is native to Japan and Taiwan.

They are slow-growing evergreen shrubs or small trees that reach 3 meters (9.84 feet) in height. The rounded-tipped, oval leaves are up to 2.5 cm (0,98") long and bright green. The small cream-colored flowers are not very decorative. They bloom in spring.

These easy-to-grow plants are used in flower beds, as isolated specimens, to form hedges, in pots and in topiary.

Buxus microphylla grows in full sun, semi-shade and shade exposures. It resists light and occasional frosts.

Japanese box grows in any type of soil that has excellent drainage but prefer that it contains some organic matter. Pot transplanting is done in early spring.

Always water moderately, waiting for the substrate to dry completely. Littleleaf box resists drought well when they are already established.

Fertilize with compost in the fall.

Prune in late winter to keep compact or shape.

Buxus microphylla is a plant that are very resistant to the usual pests and diseases but sensitive to the accumulation of water in the roots.

Small-Leaved Boxwood is easily propagated by stem cuttings in spring or summer.

Images of the shrub Buxus microphylla or Japanese box

Buxus microphylla
Buxus microphylla