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Care of the plant Crataegus monogyna or Common hawthorn.

Care of the shrub Crataegus monogyna or Common hawthorn

The Crataegus genus belongs to the Rosaceae family and is made up of about 100 species of shrubs and small trees native to the Northern Hemisphere. Some species are: Crataegus monogyna, Crataegus oxyacantha, Crataegus orientalis, Crataegus macrantha, Crataegus crus-galli.

Common names: Common hawthorn, Oneseed hawthorn, Single-seeded hawthorn, May, Mayblossom, Maythorn, Quickthorn, Whitethorn, Motherdie, Haw. This species is native to Europe, northwest Africa and West Asia.

They are slow-growing thorny shrubs that reach 15 meters (49.21 feet) in height. The bright, deciduous alternate leaves are oval in shape and lobed. The flowers are aromatic and appear in corymbs; they're on white colour. They bloom in spring. The fruits appear in autumn and can be white, red or yellow.

Common hawthorn is an interesting plant for its flowering, its foliage and its fruits that are used to form hedges, isolated groups or for the lower parts of fences and walls, as well as on terraces in large pots.

Crataegus monogyna needs full sun exposure. It resists frost.

Quickthorn prefers a calcareous-clayey soil, cool and humid. Planting is done in spring or autumn.

Water weekly in summer with a bucket of water per plant. Reduce the water a little the rest of the year.

Fertilize in autumn with compost and in spring and summer with mineral fertilizer.

Prune these shrubs in late winter to keep them compact.

Oneseed hawthorn can be victim of Rust (fungi).

Mayblossom propagates by seeds or by cuttings in early spring or mid-summer.

Images of the shrub Crataegus monogyna or Common hawthorn

Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna