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Care of the plant Canna indica or Edible canna.

Care of the rhizomatous plant Canna indica or Edible canna

The genus Canna, family Cannaceae, includes 10 species of rhizomatous plants native to tropical and subtropical regions of the New World. Some species are: Canna indica, Canna x generalis, Canna edulis, Canna coccinea, Canna iridiflora, Canna hybrida.

Common names: Indian shot, African arrowroot, Edible canna, Purple arrowroot. This species is native to South America, Central America, the West Indies, and Mexico.

They are rhizomatous plants with erect stems that reach 2 meters (6.56 feet) in height. The leaves have a pale green lanceolate shape (there are purple varieties). The flowers are tubular in shape and form terminal racemes at the end of a thick peduncle. They are of showy colors: red, yellow, pink or orange.

Indian shot is used in the garden to form isolated groups.

Canna indica needs a sunny and sheltered exposure since it is sensitive to cold and wind, even if it is light.

Irrigation will be abundant in summer, moderate in spring and autumn and almost zero in winter.

Edible canna can be grown in any type of soil; it appreciates a fertilization with manure in autumn.

The rhizomes are planted in late winter or early spring. Plant the specimens 50 cm (1.64 feet) apart from each other. It's advisable to dig up the rhizomes after flowering and once the plant is withered, clean them and store them in a dry and dark place until it is time to plant them again.

The most common disease is bud rot, caused by excessive watering.

Images of the rhizomatous plant Canna indica or Edible canna

Canna indica
Canna indica
Canna indica
Canna indica
Canna indica
Canna indica
Canna x generalis